It's summer when its hot and the weather's fine.
You can go outside and play and have a lovely
In summer, in autumn, in winter and in spring
In every season you can do some interesting
In autumn you can see the leaves falling to the
And you can chase them as the wind is blowing
them around.
In summer, in autumn, in winter and in spring
In every season you can do some interesting
If you know the seasons come along and sing.
Summer, autumn, winter and spring.
In winter it is cold which isn't very nice.
Unless you like to ski a lot or skate around on
In summer, in autumn, in winter and in spring
In every season you can do some interesting
Now there is one more season and its name is
It's the time for planting seeds and for
In summer, in autumn, in winter and in spring
In every season you can do some interesting
If you know the seasons come along and sing.
Summer, autumn, winter and spring.
In summer, in autumn, in winter and in spring
In every season you can do some interesting